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1.Why should I use Organian Farms and not another produce delivery service?
We are a delivery service and the farm, will deliver to your home or office, does not require any commitment, and allows you to customize what you receive in your delivery, based on seasonal availability. We also strive to connect customers with the people and processes in which their produce is grown with farm tours and weekly farm newsletters.

2.What if I need to leave for vacation?
Just make sure you call the office 48 hours before your delivery and we will hold your deliveries until you return.
3.How frequently should I receive a delivery?
For a couple or small family we recommend getting a $31.50 delivery every other week. From there you can change your frequency to weekly if it is not enough produce, or every four weeks if it is too much.
4.What if I am allergic or do not like certain items?
You can let us know what you never want to receive in your box, when that item comes up in our seasonal selection then we will automatically switch it with a like item or what you specify. Contents for your upcoming delivery are posted on our website the Friday before your delivery week, or you can call the office to hear your upcoming contents.
5.Where does the produce in the services come from?
During the summer months, over 80% of the produce going into the services comes from our farm. Contents are first sourced from our farm, then neighboring farms. Next, contents are sourced from outside the local region to provide the necessary varieties in your specific service.
6.What time will my box arrive?
Your delivery day is dependent on your delivery zip code. It is hard to tell you the exact time of day you will receive your first delivery, but subsequent deliveries will be made around the same time of day.
7.What if I receive an item in my delivery that I am not satisfied with?
Contact us via phone or email and we will replace any unsatisfactory items in your next delivery. We guarantee our produce and strive to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.
8.We love your service and what you do, how can I get more involved?
Contact us for classroom and organization fundraisers which help your school eat healthy and raise money while promoting our service. We also encourage you to spread the word with friends and coworkers. Contact us for brochures or other promotional ideas or sign up a friend for our service and receive your next delivery free.