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Reasons to buy produce from Organian Farms
- Having produce delivered to your home on a set timetable is essential to obtaining the recommended 7-9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
- Grocery store produce is often over a week old, losing more nutritional value each day after harvest. Our produce is picked daily and delivered fresh from our fields to your family.
- Unlike most CSA’s, Organian Farms LLC requires no commitment and allows you to cancel or suspend deliveries.
- Choose the delivery frequency that fits you best: weekly, every other week, every 3rd or every 4th week delivery. Going on vacation or need a break from deliveries? No problem, just let us know when you would like to resume.
- Customize your standard delivery to exclude items you do not wish to receive or add additional servings for items that you would like more of.
- We have several services to choose from which helps fit your individual needs. We also work with neighboring organic farmers to ensure year round variety of fruits and vegetables.